Official launch of the international platform

On July 6th, the VIMA Danube platform, performed by ILEUe.v., was launched officially during the conference  „Donau. Jugend. Europa – Perspektiven für den Donauraum“ of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung at the Edwin-Scharff-Haus in Neu-Ulm, Germany.

A group of volunteers from 4 different Danube countries, coordinated by Ileu e.V., are working together to promote the platform and present it and how it functions during the conference. With Carmen Stadelhofer, president of Ileu e.V., the volunteers gathered in a little Q&A session to answer the most exciting questions about the platform and their work, promoting it to the conference visitors.

VIMA Danube is a platform to connect people from Europe and the Danube region. The platform was sponsored by the city of Ulm and the State Ministry of Baden-Wuerttemberg. It has different sections where people can exchange with others in interest groups or the search and offer section and inform themselves about upcoming events or news along the Danube. It allows people who speak English, German, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, or Ukrainian to comment, post and read in their language. More languages are being planned so that many people can actively participate!

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