RefugeesIn for better social cohesion and participation


RefugeesIn  is being developed as an ERASMUS+ key activity 2 project co-funded by European Union and coordinated by AidLearn, Lisbon.

The project is a natural continuation of the finished CINAGE, European film for active ageing project. In current social circumstances and using the analogy approach, the CINAGE partners got an inspiration for the RefugeesIn.

The analogy could not be clearer since in our societies older people are approached through stereotypes and so are refugees. Stereotypes being handy, developing our own standpoints and attitudes does not seem to be needed since it is so easy to believe and repeat what is told and may be heard around us. It is safe to remain within »the conceptual tunnel« ( cf. Boris Cyrulnik), abiding by what our cultural or social group says, missing checking the validity of the words heard, looking upon refugees through the prism of either negative or positive stereotypes. In the absence of reasonning, we go on nurturing our fear of changes.

Between Europe and the Islamic world- the world of refugees- there has been a rich and complicated history of conquests and defeats, re-conquests and diplomacy, alliances, trading, translating, transferring technology, but also imitating arts and culture. These contacts have impacted the history of European and Muslim nations. The images of certain Islamic heroes spur the imagination of the Europeans,   preventing them from understanding the Islamic world which has contributed to Europe’s consolidating its own identity.

What: In the project partners and the target learning audiences will learn how to write scenarios, directi and edit documentary films using archive sources, transmitting the truth stripped of propaganda, passing on the truth, be it only one single truth, the truth of the author of the film.

Methods: partner meetings, focus groups, a course on making documentaries and understanding the refugees’ issues, conferences, round tables, radio programmes, articles on who refugees are and how they get included in our culture and how we get included in theirs.

Project results: a course book, a guide for trainers, documentary films

Contract Number 2016-1-PT01-KA204-022983

Duration: from Niovember the 1st. 2016 to December the 31st 2018


Maria Helena Antunes

AidLearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos, Lda

Rua Frederico George, 31B, 1600-012 Lisboa, Portugal


Karina Sirk, Dušana Findeisen

Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje, združenje za izobraževanje in družbeno vključenost

Poljanska cesta 6, 1000 Ljubljana

Tel. 00386(0)14332090


ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy – continuously supports activities in the field of active European citizenship


ALDA CAN SUPORT YOU! */ALDA supports initiatives promoting active European citizenship.
Take a chance and build your project!

ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy – continuously supports activities in the field of active European citizenship. In this perspective, ALDA calls for proposals of *initiatives taking place from 1 September to 31 December 2016.

The applications should be committed to the advancement of ALDA’s main goal – *promoting good governance and citizen participation at the local level in Europe*. Eligible activities must strengthen the active involvement of citizens on the most current issues on the EU agenda and contribute to an ever-integrated European Union.

Continue reading “ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy – continuously supports activities in the field of active European citizenship”

Danube -Breakfast on the Herdbrücke Ulm/Neu-Ulm

On the 10th of July 2016, following the Conference, a Danube -Breakfast took place at the Herdbrücke Ulm/Neu-Ulm, a bridge connecting by the Danube the towns of Ulm and Neu-Ulm, the states Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria and also Germany with other Danube countries! Partners from the project Tastes of Danube and guests from all Danube countries met citizens of different ages, ethnic origins and countries living in Ulm Region and spoke about their everyday life, their cultures, their interests and experiences.

We want to thank all the numerous visitors, the table sponsors and the helpers! It was a special breakfast under the blue sky at the Herbrücke Ulm/Neu-Ulm above the Danube.

Here you can find a video-report of the Baden-Württemberg Television  SWR about the Donau-Brücken-Frühstück  which was sent the 11th of July in the daily news at 19.00-19.03, this is a big honor for all of us! –

Visit our website for more information:

Let’s taste it – Conference within the project “Tastes of Danube”

On 8th of July took place in Haus der Begegnung Ulm in the frame of the 10th International Danube Festival the conference Tastes of Danube: Let’s taste it.

The conference programme included a number of plenary lectures, which provided scientific background as well as practical approach to the main themes in transnational comparison. Different methodical approaches were presented. Potential future projects in the areas of lifelong learning, cultural education, sustainable tourism, social entrepreneurship and other subjects were discussed in working groups.

At the conference participated 135 people from all Danube countries. We provided simultaneous translated English-German and German-English for the introduction and keynote lectures!

More about the programme and the conference:

In the photo from left to right: Tamara Ognjevic (Artis Center Belgrade), Franz Wuketits (University Wien), Gunther Hirschfelder (University of Regensburg), Thomas Vilgis (Mainz University),  Carmen Stadelhofer (President DANET, ILEU e.V.)

Danet and EURAG will continue doing their best to keep older people’s issues in focus

Slovenian Federation of Societies of Pensioners hosted the annual EURAG conference in Ljubljana. The topic of the conference was very topical and timely. It was about organisations of older people and for older people and their effectiveness in society. Older people still suffer from socio-economic injustice (in Latvia they have a very low pension in Israel several million people are without any pension) and they suffer from injustice on the cultural and symbolic level (ageism). Nevertheless, in the times of recession and social transformation, older people’s issues and their cooperation with other generations are attracting less attention and our organisations have to be even more vigilant and active to keep focus on older people’s abilities and challenges. Not only older people experience social transformation and therefore EURAG’s (and our) focus is to be shifted towards life span ageing and life span approaches to ageing. Speakers at the conference underlined that older people are not (at least the majority of them) in the need of help. They have a lot to give and this should be made possible through policies and different organisations etc. EURAG particularly appreciates its bonds with Social Platform which is concerned with different social groups.
Continue reading “Danet and EURAG will continue doing their best to keep older people’s issues in focus”

It is time older people co-shaped silver economy

Silver Economy, Silver Market, Silver Knowledge? Upon the initiative of a retired professor of economics, currently a student of Slovenian U3A, was held at this university a symposium on silver economy. Devoted to network thinking about a topic which is seemingly new, the symposium was attended by participants from diverse backgrounds.

Silver economy is both a new and old topic in the focus of Slovenian Third Age University. Why? Due to ageing society, silver market is predicted to amount up to 5% of the GDP by 2060, so one should better understand what silver economy is all about.

Towards a definition of silver economy

Taking into account their purchasing power and their number (in 2050, in OECD countries their share is expected to be 25 % of the population), older people constitute a potentially important market. Moreover, there is a chance that in the future, silver market becomes one of the most important markets. There will be many investment possibilities for innovating companies and many other companies active in various areas. Far from being a separated sector, silver economy encompasses a number of activities transversally reaching out to the whole production and consumption sector. It is oriented towards both production and distribution of goods and services, meeting the needs of older people. In addition to this, it is about preparing younger generations and their future well being[1]

To get aware of the orientation of the emerging silver economy one does not need to go further than the French Contract on Silver Economy agreed on December the 12th 2013 It says: “Silver economy is about commodities and services that can be conceived in sectors like: accommodation, communication, transport, e-autonomy, safety, health, individual services, distribution (adaptation of packaging etc.), leisure time, work (teleworking), tourism. What about other sectors?

French government defined silver economy as commercial and manufacturing activities of benefit to older people, ameliorating their social participation, improving the quality of their life and well-being, slowing down the loss of autonomy and increasing life expectancy.

Announcement: NECE 2016, a conference in the Danubian region tackles the important issues of migrations, civic education and the future of Europe

NECE 2016 – Networking European Citizenship Education – Conference
“Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in Europe”
10-12 November 2016, Zagreb, Croatia (Lisinski Concert Hall)

Against the background of a global refugee crisis deeply affecting the state of the European Union and its neighbours, NECE 2016 will aim at two areas: Firstly, we will look at the ongoing European response to the issue of migration including the divisions within and between European societies. Secondly the conference will discuss how citizenship education should react to the polarised debate and the controversies about migration, diversity and identity which have been triggered by the new wave of migration since summer 2015. There is a clear danger that the “migrants’ revolution” will radically change European politics and the world view of many on the continent towards exclusion and closure. The refugee crisis seems to re-open the gap between the East and the West in Europe and between those who see cosmopolitan values as a threat and those who are struggling to defend these as the core of a new European identity (Ivan Krastev).

Continue reading “Announcement: NECE 2016, a conference in the Danubian region tackles the important issues of migrations, civic education and the future of Europe”

Inspirational practice

Take tools in Hands«

(fr. Outils en mains) develops manual skills and keeps crafts alive. It also unites generations. Would you know retired craftsmen in the Danube region who would be ready and proud to transfer their knowledge onto young generations? Young people do not know that hats or shoes, or bread can be made with  their own hands, that linen can be woven at home. On the other hand qualified craftsman work is ever more needed, particularly in the industries of luxury.

6th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development

 Your are kindly invited to the 6th eRegions Conference 2016: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development, Monday-Tuesday, September 19-20, 2016,

Location: Castle Jable, Grajska cesta 1, 1234 Mengeš, Slovenia. One of the panels will be about Silvery Economy and co-chaired by Prof. Ana Krajnc ( Slovenia) and Prof. Francois Vellas (France).

In addition, in the coming days, in June 2016 a national symposium will be held on the same topic at Slovenian Third Age University focusing on the older people’s contributory role within silver economy Active ageing in relation to silver econnomy will be in focus. More:

Personal report from Dusana Findeisen: Danube Networkers for Europe (DANET) As Social Capital Changing Older People’s Social Engagement and Integration Along the Danube , EURAG Conference

The topic of this conference are organisations and their social effectivness

(1) Why organisations of older people, for older people or mixed organisations are needed? Do they produce social changes?

Why these organisations are needed and do they make a difference?

Well, they do make a difference in the lives of individual older people and the lives of their family members, they do make a difference in local communities. Our empirical research studies have shown it. But do our organisations change society?

Continue reading “Personal report from Dusana Findeisen: Danube Networkers for Europe (DANET) As Social Capital Changing Older People’s Social Engagement and Integration Along the Danube , EURAG Conference”

Slovenian Third Age University And DANET at the 10th Bled Strategic Forum


Education for financial literacy is needed. Older people should be freed of dependency discourse. The need for a UN Convention on Older Persons’ rights

At the 10th Bled strategic forum Dušana Findeisen from Slovenian Third Age University and vice president of DANET, moderated the panel Ageing Society and Development: Is progress without change possible? The discussion of the panellists was largely directed towards what is DANET’s mission: social participation of older people, their contribution to social and economic development, dialogue and cooperation of generations as well as global cross-cultural dialogue. It goes without saying that the panellists were willing to consider also the issues of older adult education, art and intergenerational learning enabling the contributory role of older people.

Continue reading “Slovenian Third Age University And DANET at the 10th Bled Strategic Forum”

International meeting in July 2016 in Ulm

It is intended to make known the results of all these activities on the International Conference “Tastes of Danube- Let’s taste it” which will take place in Ulm the 8th of July 2016 in the frame of the 10th International Danube Festival Ulm/Neu-Ulm. This Conference will be connected with the public action “Danube-Breakfast. Share your bread with Danube-Neighbours” the 10th of July in the morning on the Herdbrьcke (bridge) which connects Ulm and Neu-Ulm, .by the Danube!

Save the date! Representatives of all active project groups will be invited to take part! For representatives of groups especially active in this project there will be stipendiums!

A Digital Photo Competition

A Digital Photo Competition about Bread, Wine and/or Herbs in relation to daily life (e.g. bread in the family, baking bread, producing wine, planting herbs, etc.) or in relation to living cultural and religious customs. Please send us your photo(s) plus your application form/copyright (see Website )

until latest 1st of May 2016 to


Slovenian Third Age University Goes Danubian