Dušana Findeisen, Slovenian Third Age Universit, Ljubljana, Slovenia
In the framework of the activities of the project the Digital Danube, Erasmus+ supported by European Union, members of the staff of Slovenian Third Age University took part in the conference (structured dialogue) organised by European Civil Society for Education.The title of the conference: Imagining learning community of tomorrow. Slovakia is preparing for the EU presidency and that’s why organised by the Faculty of Architecture, the conference took place there in the premises of a »dead« factory. The progamme? Lifelong we adopt social roles, being at the same time the citizen of community. Adult education offers its contents and modes to produce knowledge about: how to alleviate unemployment, refugee crisis, prevent terrorism, support personal growth, active citizenship, or how to maintain employability? Dr Eva Gyarmathy, a neurologist, dealing with dyslexia as well as social/cultural diversity presented her views on lifelong learning (children learn by imitating, young people systematically, adults by exploring) she said. Kari Antilla invited the participants to think over educational policies, and their impact on learners of all ages. There were several groups (digital inclusion, diversity, democracy, society founded on knowledge ) discussing. What? Our future which has already arrived and society, we are dreaming about. Members of the SlovenianU3A were invited to introduce the audience to intergenerational learning and education of older people. They introduced also DANET and Slovenian U3A and their efforts in the field. More: https://lllplatform-ac2016.org/workshops/