3.1. Danube-Networkers’ action “Christmas Packages along the Danube”
In the frame of the international project “Tastes of Danube. Bread.Wine.Herbs” the Danube-Networkers started in the beginning of November 2016 a new common activity related to Christmas and the New Year, promoting international contacts.
Idea: Each participating partner organization prepare three nicely packed Christmas boxes and send them to three partners living in different Danube countries per post.
Realisation: 156 packages had been send by 56 partners from 11 countries. The package was approximately of the size of a shoe box and contained Christmas cookies (sweet bread) and recipes, descriptions of Christmas customs and information about the own group (who we are) in the native language and in English. A picture of the package outside and of the content inside was additionally sent per mail to ILEU together with the recipes and the descriptions of the Christmas customs
.Through the action “Christmas Packages along the Danube”, the partners learned mutually about the various Christmas and New Year customs specific for the various countries as well as the culture of the pre and post-Christmas times. A direct contact between the individual groups took place.
A virtual Danube with all the participating partners was created in our website where the virtual packages can be opened. You also can see pictures and the written information.
For example, Association “Vidin Municipal Fund “Community Centers”, Bulgaria sent three packages to Danube-Networkers Ulm/Neu-Ulm (Germany), Institute for Study of Cultural Development Belgrade (Serbia) and Europe House Vukovar (Croatia).
Have a look!