October 2017 until September 2019
Program Erasmus +
Carmen Stadelhofer
Nine partners from six countries and one goal: Strengthening European awareness with transnational projects and methods. “Building Bridges for Europe” is the name of the project that is financially supported by the EU for two years.
The project’s objective is the creation of an online Method-Toolbox which can be used in European education programs and actions in the context of adult and especially older adult education. Central task will be the development of criteria for the analysis of projects and methods with the focus on good practices in the areas of fostering critical thinking, European consciousness and solidarity and the reduction of prejudices.
The Method-Toolbox should help to improve and extend the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of different target groups and individual learners.
Partner organizations from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria are members of the educational networks Danube-Networkers, the international association DANET e.V., the FEDERUNI Network of Italian Universities of the Third Age and in Bulgaria the Platform Agora. All partners are experienced in national and international work with different target groups, especially older learners.
The Kick-Off meeting took place in Ruse, Bulgaria from 19th to 23rd November 2017. This meeting was about laying the foundations for BBE, and getting to know each other better. All partners presented a “best of” their projects. Goals and milestones were set during this meeting for the following months.
Photos: Ivan Štruklec
The second partner meeting took place at the monastery of Roggenburg from 15th to 18th July with approx. 40 participants from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Germany.
For three days the participants adjourned to the monastery of Roggenburg in order to work on the development of an online method toolbox with high concentration after the turbulent partner meeting during the international Danube Festival Ulm/Neu-Ulm.