in the frame of the project “Open Doors for Danube Countries for All (ODDA)”
Carmen Stadelhofer, ILEU
Photo: Marina Iser
Organised by ILEU e.V., ZAWIW Ulm University, DANET e.V.
in cooperation with Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg
Topic of the seminar: strengthening social cohesion in the Danube countries and in Europe through education and international understanding has been the objective of the educational Network Danube-Networkers since it has been founded in 2008. Europe is for us a common house under which roof a multitude of people of different national, ethnic, social, religious or cultural origins should meet and live peacefully together. Upon this background, the participants of this Workshop, including participants of the Project ODDA, created low-threshold methods and materials.
Communication was initiated through use of key words and sentences, gestures, images, music, dance, etc. and this also in situations when there is no common language knowledge. Confidence will be developed in situations of everyday life (what to do and not in greetings, eating, other daily situations).
Results of the seminar: