On the 14th and 15th of March 2013, representatives from education organizations in Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Germany had met at Ulm University for a kick-off meeting of a research project „Older Adults’ Lifelong Learning and ICT Use in the Danube Region”.
The meeting was preceded by a test run of the project DALEC II (Danube-Networkers’ Lectures), in which 2 of the research partners cooperate.
The research project aims at collecting data on Lifelong Learning (LLL) and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by older adults (especially in learning activities) in the Danube Region. It will take into account general conditions and existing structures in the partner countries. The results of the study are to enable the partners to draw up concrete recommendations for future projects and encourage networking. The partners involved in the study will have the opportunity of applying for a joint European project together, which will be based on the outcomes of the study.