Join us – Opening of the mobile exhibition: Danube Networkers on Tour

This mobile exhibition intends to familiarize public with the idea of Danube Networkers, a network of people and institutions which aims to foster social participation of older citizens and intergenerational dialogue in the Danube region.

Danube networkers on tour

Short description:

The mobile exhibition „Danube-Networkers on Tour” is an event meant to accompany a learning partnership “Danube- Stories” which is funded by the European Commission for a time period between August 2011 and July 2013 and in which learning groups from seven Danube countries (Germany; Austria; Hungary; Croatia; Romania; Bulgaria and Serbia as silent partner) are participating.

Through actions on each exhibition location, organised and implemented by the partners in the project “Danube-Stories”, the network for active ageing and intergenerational dialogue will be introduced. On basis of successful projects will it be demonstrated by participants how older and younger people along the Danube and in the Danube Region work together on thematic issues in face-to-face and virtual situations, thus accompanying the process of the Danube strategy as a civil society intitiative

The exhibition opened during the European symposium of the ZAWiW “Active Ageing and intergenerational learning” within the framework of the International Danube Festival in Ulm/ Neu-Ulm in July 2012 and moves in the time period September 2012 to June 2013 along the Danube till Ruse. The exhibition is supposed to reach larger audience through public events at different locations along the river Danube (Ulm, Wilhering/Linz, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrad, Vukovar, Timisoara, and Ruse).