Delegation of BulgarianDelegation of Bulgarian politicians at ZAWiWpoliticians at ZAWiW

On 11th of October 2012, a group of 7 local government politicians, lord mayors and heads of town councils, from various municipalities in Bulgaria accompanied by Dr. Gabriele Thoens and Asparuch Panov from the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Berlin, visited ZAWiW of Ulm University to inform themselves about scientific and pedagogical initiatives for the promotion of intercultural cooperation in the Danube Region and about the activities of the network Danube-Networkers.

Acad. Dir. Carmen Stadelhofer, who was present per Skype, spoke about the political frame of the Danube-Networkers’ activities. After this, Gabriela Körting, researcher at ZAWiW, presented the structure and the aims of ZAWiW and its projects and activities in the above fields. The presentation was followed by a discussion and an invitation to the politicians to join and to promote the activities of the network Danube-Networkers.