Balkansalon 2012 on the Danube Strategy

On Saturday, the 11th of November 2012, 10.30-18.00, the fourth “Balkansalon” took place in the Donaubüro (Danube Office) in Ulm. The aim was getting to know in the playful way of a European Role Play the decision-making processes and difficulties on the way to common Europe.

Over 20 younger and older citizens took part in the Role Game about the European Danube Strategy. The task was, on the basis of concrete examples from various country-perspectives, to discuss and exchange in small mixed-age groups central subjects such as environment and tourism, to agree on national standpoints and to represent these against the other countries. Finally, a cross-national common proposal for the presentation at the European Parliament should be developed. This event was jointly organised by the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg, the Donaubüro Ulm/Neu-Ulm and the Zentrum der Allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (ZAWiW) der Universität Ulm. At the end of this very inspiring event, the participants had the chance to discuss the issues of the Danube Strategy with representatives from the areas of politics and civil society.

Link to the programm
Link to the video about the event