Danube -Breakfast on the Herdbrücke Ulm/Neu-Ulm

On the 10th of July 2016, following the Conference, a Danube -Breakfast took place at the Herdbrücke Ulm/Neu-Ulm, a bridge connecting by the Danube the towns of Ulm and Neu-Ulm, the states Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria and also Germany with other Danube countries! Partners from the project Tastes of Danube and guests from all Danube countries met citizens of different ages, ethnic origins and countries living in Ulm Region and spoke about their everyday life, their cultures, their interests and experiences.

We want to thank all the numerous visitors, the table sponsors and the helpers! It was a special breakfast under the blue sky at the Herbrücke Ulm/Neu-Ulm above the Danube.

Here you can find a video-report of the Baden-Württemberg Television  SWR about the Donau-Brücken-Frühstück  which was sent the 11th of July in the daily news at 19.00-19.03, this is a big honor for all of us! – http://www.swr.de/landesschau-bw/donaufest-ulm-fruehstueck-auf-der-donau-bruecke/-/id=122182/did=17767876/nid=122182/1lw9ttq/index.html

Visit our website for more information: http://conference.tastes-of-danube.eu/

Let’s taste it – Conference within the project “Tastes of Danube”

On 8th of July took place in Haus der Begegnung Ulm in the frame of the 10th International Danube Festival the conference Tastes of Danube: Let’s taste it.

The conference programme included a number of plenary lectures, which provided scientific background as well as practical approach to the main themes in transnational comparison. Different methodical approaches were presented. Potential future projects in the areas of lifelong learning, cultural education, sustainable tourism, social entrepreneurship and other subjects were discussed in working groups.

At the conference participated 135 people from all Danube countries. We provided simultaneous translated English-German and German-English for the introduction and keynote lectures!

More about the programme and the conference: www.conference.tastes-of-danube.eu

In the photo from left to right: Tamara Ognjevic (Artis Center Belgrade), Franz Wuketits (University Wien), Gunther Hirschfelder (University of Regensburg), Thomas Vilgis (Mainz University),  Carmen Stadelhofer (President DANET, ILEU e.V.)

Slovenian Third Age University And DANET at the 10th Bled Strategic Forum


Education for financial literacy is needed. Older people should be freed of dependency discourse. The need for a UN Convention on Older Persons’ rights

At the 10th Bled strategic forum Dušana Findeisen from Slovenian Third Age University and vice president of DANET, moderated the panel Ageing Society and Development: Is progress without change possible? The discussion of the panellists was largely directed towards what is DANET’s mission: social participation of older people, their contribution to social and economic development, dialogue and cooperation of generations as well as global cross-cultural dialogue. It goes without saying that the panellists were willing to consider also the issues of older adult education, art and intergenerational learning enabling the contributory role of older people.

Continue reading “Slovenian Third Age University And DANET at the 10th Bled Strategic Forum”

Third DANET-Newsletter (December 2015) is online

The third Newsletter (December 2015) of the “Danube-Networkers for Europe (DANET) e.V.” is available with different topics: new European project „Tastes of Danube. Bread, Wine, Herbs”, Danube – Networkers Days in Bulgaria and Romania, MobilA, etc.

You will also find some hints concerning publications and interesting links, news and an event calendar.