Partner Meeting Bread connects July 2018 in Ulm, Germany

On July, 13th 2018 will be the conference “Intangible cultural heritage in the Danube Region – a national asset or a contribution to European identity?”. Approximately 120 representatives of 13 countries of the Danube area will participate. You can find the preliminary program in English here: Program_danube-heritage-conference2018_07_05_2018_EN
At the evening the Danube-Networkers will celebrate 10 years of Danube-Networkers in the house of encounter, Ulm.

At Saturday, 14th of July 2018 there will be a partner day with preparatory baking activities in Ulm. The baked goods will be for the Danube Bridge Breakfast.

The weekend’s highlight will be the Danube Bridge Breakfast at Herdbrücke Ulm on Sunday, 15th July. For the Danube Bridge Breakfast citizens from Ulm/Neu-Ulm and the surroundings, as well as people from different Danube countries are invited to small snacks and talks about everyday life, cultures, interests and experiences. The activity on the connecting bridge shall illustrate that we would like to get our neighbours along the Danbue, and live in a peaceful and solidary Europe united in diversity. The breakfast starts with a song for peace at 10.30 a.m., everyone is invited.

Bread connects Europe – Exhibition of the selected submissions

On 10th May 2018, the exhibition “Bread connects Europe: Create & bake” was inaugurated at Haus der Begegnung. A jury had chosen 28 exhibits from 79 submissions which represented the topic most aptly. Accompanied by sparkling wine and music, the visitors marvelled at the diversity of realisations which had one thing in common: the view of a conjoint Europe. In many cases the titles and the texts explain what the baker’s idea behind the creation was. Two compositions were found particularly good by the jury – the work of the student and apprentice Goran Gasparovski from Novi Sad, Serbia, who created a sculpture of a bull with Europa and also documented the work process. Also, the work “Brancusi’s Bread” by Netuta Stratulat from Galati, Romania, who implemented the topic based on the sculpture “Monumental Ensemble: Kissing Gate, Table of Silence and Endless Column” by Brancusi. The exhibition will be open to the public until 13th June 2018 but to give access to everyone who is not in Ulm, all contributions will be published on the website.

As the jury found all contributions worth seeing and interesting, all submissions to the competition will be published in an illustrated book. More:

Bread connects Europe – Create and bake

Creative Baking Competition: Create and bake “your” Europe!

Try to express your feelings for Europe by joining this competition.

There are no limits to your fantasy… Show us your baked idea of Europe. Your baked goods can be sweet or savoury; they can be colourful or decorated with seeds or special items… Whether you work alone or in a group – everything is possible. Just use some sort of simple dough, be creative and realize “your” Europe as a shaped bread.

This is how it works: 

Use a simple baking tray as a background for your dough and design this area, as you like. Please send a photo of your creation on your baking tray, name it, and describe your idea (max. 200 words), and send it to:

Deadline for submission is April 15th 2018.

The Institute for virtual and face-to-face learning in adult education at Ulm University (ILEU e.V.) organizes this competition. By participating, the competitors transfer ILEU e. V. the right to show their pictures on- and offine. They also assure that they own the image rights for the people photographed. Please find further information on our website.

And the winner is …

The main prize will be a trip for one or two people to the international meeting of the Danube-Networkers in Ulm from July 12th -15th 2018. The meeting is part of the 11th International Danube Festival Ulm/Neu-Ulm. There will be an equivalent prize for potential winners from the region of Ulm, a special prize for school classes and material prizes as well. The prizes offered are not exchangeable for cash.

All winning photos will be shown at an exhibition in “Haus der Begegnung” in Ulm and during the International Danube Festival in Ulm/Neu-Ulm.

Bread connects – Give a sign of friendship along the Danube!

Be part of something bigger: 1.000 signs for our 10th anniversary. Taking part is easy! Just take a picture of yourself or your friends holding a bread/baked good and the leaflet. Send us your picture until June 30th 2018 ( People of all ages, ethnic origins and social backgrounds are invited to participate. This action was started in October 2017 the frame of the Bread Baking Week. More information:

Pilot project „Correspondence with young and elderly pen pals”

Our pilot project „Correspondence with young and elderly pen pals” has started on Feburary 22th 2018. In the course of 5 weeks, high school students from Ruse, Bulgaria exchange views with senior citizens from Ulm and Oberursel in Germany and from Lodz in Poland. The aim of this project is to foster intergenerational exchange, and for the students to make active use of their German language skills.

Christmas Activity in the frame of the project “Tastes of Danube: Bread connects” in winter 2017

The Danube-Networkers have created an advent calendar where you can find information about Christmas traditions and about some delicious recipes in the Danube countries made by Danube-Networkers participantsin the frame of the action “Christmas packages 2017” and some new contributions and nice videos about Christmas traditions.

Have a look:

Danube-Networkers Christmas Tree 2017


Start of the new project “Building Bridges for Europe” in October 2017

The project’s objective is the creation of an online Method-Toolbox which can be used in European education programs and actions in the context of adult and especially older adult education. Central task will be the development of criteria for the analysis of projects and methods with the focus on good practices in the areas of fostering critical thinking, European consciousness and solidarity and the reduction of prejudices.

The Method-Toolbox should help to improve and extend the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of different target groups and individual learners.

Partner organizations from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria are members of the educational networks Danube-Networkers, the international association DANET e.V., the FEDERUNI Network of Italian Universities of the Third Age and in Bulgaria the Platform Agora. All partners are experienced in national and international work with different target groups, especially older learners.

Give a sign of friendship!

Bread Connects. Give a sign of friendship along the Danube!
From 7th to 16th October 2017 the Danube-Networkers are carrying out a Danube Bread Baking Week with this motto. During this week, many actions concerning bread baking and bread sharing will take place in all Danube countries. People of all ages, ethnic origins and social backgrounds are invited to participate and through their actions to make concrete contributions to fostering of a peaceful and solidary community both in the Danube Region and in Europe. All participating groups will send a photo related to their actions to, until the 31st October. It will be inserted in the website By this way, a large transnational virtual ribbon of friendship will be created! Join us!

More information:

Christmas Packages along the Danube

The ILEU office in Ulm started in November 2016 the action “Christmas Packages along the Danube” and invites all interested partners to take part to it. Packages in the size of a shoe box will be prepared and sent to other partners from three different Danube countries. They should contain Christmas cookies (sweet bread) and recipes, descriptions of Christmas customs and information about the own group (who we are) in the native language and in English.

Continue reading “Christmas Packages along the Danube”

ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy – continuously supports activities in the field of active European citizenship


ALDA CAN SUPORT YOU! */ALDA supports initiatives promoting active European citizenship.
Take a chance and build your project!

ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy – continuously supports activities in the field of active European citizenship. In this perspective, ALDA calls for proposals of *initiatives taking place from 1 September to 31 December 2016.

The applications should be committed to the advancement of ALDA’s main goal – *promoting good governance and citizen participation at the local level in Europe*. Eligible activities must strengthen the active involvement of citizens on the most current issues on the EU agenda and contribute to an ever-integrated European Union.

Continue reading “ALDA – the European Association for Local Democracy – continuously supports activities in the field of active European citizenship”