„The wanted Danube” exhibition on Münsterplatz in Ulm

Over 15000 km of the friendship strip was crochetted by over 6.000 people from 10 Danube countries. It was an unique event to see the 3.649 beautiful, colorful carpets presenting the Danube landscape at the Münsterplatz on 13th of July 2014.

The Whanted Danube project did connect not only different people along the Danube but also  different generations. There were schools, senior-citizens homes, senior groups etc. involved in the project. The oldest participant was 103 years old and the youngest one was 3 years old. The carpets were given for a small donation that we are going to send to Serbia and Croatia. Those two countries have experienced floods of enormous proportions , the worst that the region has known since they began keeping records 120 years ago. With the donation we are supporting a primary school in Jamena/Serbia and a kinder garden in Gunja/Croatia to be rebuilt.

For more information, please visit the homepage “The wanted Danube”