17-18/07/2015 CINAGE Conference & Film Festival to Leeds to promote CINAGE, European cinema and active ageing
31/08 – 01/09/2015 National EPALE Conference in Berlin
10-11/09/2015 4th OLYMPIC GAMES FOR STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITIES, Zvolen, Slowakia
23-24/09/2015 Kick-off INTERREG-Donau-Program in Budapest
14-16/10/2015 ELOA Conference 2015, Jönköping, Sweden: Lifelong learning for older adults
15/10/2015 10th anniversary E-seniors conference in Paris
16/10/2015 EURAG conference “Forms of Social Inclusion of Older Persons into Society” in Paris
27/10/2015 DCSF-Assembly in Ulm
28/10/2015 Participation Day in Ulm
29/10/2015 DANET-Assembly in Ulm
29-30/10/2015 Danube Annual Forum in Ulm