In July 2019, graduated the first generation of Cluj’s first third age university.
It all started with a project of the association “Platforma Romania 100”in cooperation with the Direction of Social and Medical Assistance. The inspiring slogan leading to the establishment of this U3A was : “Lifelong learning has no age”. Although the initial project lasted only one month, significant results are to be seen on the local level, as older people developed a willingness for further education and participation in the activities of the civil society.
The initiative rapidly evolved into a larger project, which was taken over by the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca, in partnership with the association EduNation and the foundation of the university Babes-Bolyai. Presently, the educational programmes extend over the academic year divided in two falls. In the academic year 2019-2020, the courses officially started in October. The introductory lecture ‘Compared constitutional systems’, was held by the mayor of the city of Cluj addressing the new students. There is a variety of options for further education in the frame of the U3A, ranging from health education and economy, to art and photography. The courses are taught in a non-formal and interactive way, for better understanding of the concepts to which the students are being introduced. The list of proposed courses depends mainly on the interests of the students, and may change from year to year. The courses offered classes in the academic year 2019-2020 are the following: Self-medication- advantages and risks; Economy – basic notions; Religion and society; The press – in between information and misinformation: Visual arts- painting; Photography
U3A Cluj is a project which aims at social inclusion, active participation and education of older people. The beneficiaries of the project at this initial stage are mainly older people who are already enrolled in the Day Centres for Older People. (Source: Diana Zlibut, LSFTB member)