Tihomir Žiljak, Public Open University Zagreb
Photo: Ivana Sabo
My participation in Danet started very spontaneously and silently (as silent partner in one EU project). Our first meetings in Ulm or in Šibenik were great opportunity to met nice people with simmilar ideas, similar interests and people who are very open minded. From our first meeting I feell very comfortable in DANET family, surrounded by friends and educational enthusiasts. In such environment I tried to give my input in different projects and initiatives. I think that goals and ideas of the DANET project worth my time, knowledge used in common activities. My discussions with Carmen, Dušana, Emiliy, Markus and Ana always gave me a new stimulus to look at things differently, from another angle. So, I think that DANET activities give me new educational experience, new intercultural skills and a lot of personal satisfactions.