Carmen Stadelhofer, Virtual and Face-to-face Learning in Adult Education at Ulm University (ILEU) e.V. and DANET e.V.
Abstract: Equal Opportunities of Learning for the Elderly was the theme of the conference held in Bratislava by the Association Internationale des Universités Du Troisième Age (AIUTA) on May 18, 2017, at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Centre for Continuing Education. AIUTA 100th Governing Board held also at the Comenius \university, 18-20 May 2017.
Over 130 participants from 23 countries in Europe, Africa, and China took part in the conference. The opening was made by Dr. Nadija Hrapkova, UTA Bratislava, and Prof. Francois Vellas, President of AIUTA, in the presence of the Slovak Minister of Education Science Research and Sports Olga Nachtmannikova and delegates by the European Union for Lifelong Learning.
Many interesting lectures had been held referring to the Conference theme and documented what is done for the elderly in the different countries. .
Carmen Stadelhofer, President of the International Association Danube-Networkers for Europe (DANET) e.V. and former AIUTA first Vice president and former director of ZAWiW, University of Ulm, Germany, focused on innovative methods and new ways on U3as cooperation and networking with the example from Danube Region and proposed a roadmap for AIUTA. The University of Ulm is since 1994 engaged in theory and practice by action research developing new approaches in adult education and to provide equal opportunities for elderly in education, culture, social affairs, new media, and Science.
Jasna Curin, President of the Third Age University of Zagreb and Dijana Bebek Miletić, both from the Public Open University Zagreb, Croatia presented the very engaged work of the U3A in Zagreb on local and international level in the frame of DANET e.V. Speakers of the conference were also Carmen Stadelhofer, University of Ulm and Violeta PUSCASU, Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos”, U3A, Galati, Romania.
The conference closed by a Panel discussion “Inclusion of the elderly to the learning activities”.
At this occasion also the 100th AIUTA Governing Board meeting took place on 17th May 2017.
Photo documentation and program: