The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) awards the Danube Networkers 2018 for their commitment to civil society in the “Bread connects” project

Presentation of the first prize by President Luca Jahier to Carmen Stadelhofer, Chairwoman DANET e.V., Ulm and Prof. Emilia Velikova, Vice-President, Ruse, on 13.12.2018 in Brussels

In December 2018, the Danube Networkers were awarded the first prize of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels for their project “Bread connects”. The EESC considered this initiative to be worthy of the first prize because it corresponds impressively to this year’s theme “Identities, European values and cultural heritage in Europe”. Around 150 applications from 27 EU member states were received this year. The five best entries received prize money. The aim of the prize, which is awarded annually and endowed with a total of € 50,000, is to support organisations and individuals whose projects make a creative and innovative contribution to the promotion of European identity and integration.

Photo: Presentation of the first prize by President Luca Jahier to Carmen Stadelhofer, Chairwoman DANET e.V., Ulm and Prof. Emilia Velikova, Vice-President, Ruse, on 13.12.2018 in Brussels